
HV3820 Series

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HV3820 Series 38 mm HV Base


The HV3820 Series is a compact photomultiplier HV base series operating from a low voltage supply. Each base incorporates either a positive or negative HV supply and either an active voltage divider or a CW multiplier. This HV base series is intended for use with 10-stage, 38 mm hardpin photomultipliers for applications requiring up to ±2000 volts.

HV3820AP HV supply with an active voltage divider positive
HV3820AN HV supply with an active voltage divider negative
HV3820CP HV supply with a CW multiplier positive
HV3820CN HV supply with a CW multiplier negative

Features and Characteristics

Diameter 29.5 mm
Input Voltage +5 V to +15 V
Max. Output Voltage ±2000 V
Max. Anode Ripple (with 10 kΩ || 22 pF load) 2.5 mV


  • Pulsed light
  • Photon counting

Compatible Photomultipliers