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MCA51CP MCA Base for PMTs


The MCA51CP is a low cost high performance multi-channel analyser (MCA) base designed for gamma ray spectroscopy applications with NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors. The base consists of a high voltage power supply (HVPS) capable of supplying up to 2000 V and a preamplifier. The unit is compatible with standard 14 pin detectors using 10 stage PMTs. MCA51CP is very easy to use and the unit is powered by USB 2.0 or above. The unit uses histogram mode acquisition and data channels are 16 bits.

Features and Characteristics

Power Requirement +5V at 56 mA
USB Type USB 2.0 or higher
Conversion Gain 1024 channels
Weight 100 g


  • Gamma ray spectroscopy with NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors